
Work on home and business connections of electricity, heat, water or gas often causes nuisance in the neighborhood. In order to keep this to a minimum, we carry out this work in combination where possible.

Wherever possible, distribution pipelines, main pipelines and home connections for gas, heat, water and electricity will be installed, and in particular maintained, in a single operation. We can also include facilities for cable television and data traffic.

Digital collaboration

Our work can hardly ever be carried out without inconvenience, but we do solve it as efficiently as possible. This starts with the cooperation with our clients. Project communication is increasingly being digitised. A.Hak has provided a great deal of input in the creation of the collaboration platform that is used for this purpose.

Environmental management

Communicating well with our customers is not enough. Communication with the end users, often our customer's customers, is also important. By taking care of this communication and environmental management, we are able to relieve our clients as much as possible.

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